After some research we set out to bake the turbot in the oven on a layer of chopped parsnip, sweet potatoes, leeks and fennel. Furthermore we take half a celeriac and make 10 thin round pieces that we fry on a pan and let simmer in some chicken stock for 10-12 minutes. The remaining celeriac is cut into cubes and together with the cut-offs we boil this in 2 parts chicken stock, 1 part milk and 1 part cream. When tender the celeriac cubes are blended with a little of the cooking liquids and finally some truffle oil is added.
In the meantime the turbot is baked in the oven fo 35-45 minutes at 160°C degrees while the fish is being frequently dripped with melted butter. As it says in Brøndums fiskekogebog "your hand should be as baked as the turbot".
To drink we had a long time favorite: Catena Alta Chardonnay. T's good friend has supplied them since the year 2005, but by now we have a bottle of 2008, while the few remaining 05 and 06 are stored away. The 2008 is a perfect companion to the turbot and we rate it as follows: Turbot 8/10, Catena Alta 8,5/10 and together 9/10
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