We have extended our stay in San Sebastian at the expense of going to Pinafiel in the Ribera del Duero. This we must do another time, but we enjoyed the city so much and the hotel had proved to serve the purpose of this evening, namely a high-speed internet connection.
Today is election day in faraway Denmark. We have voted in advance but still like to follow election night on Danish television streamed over the Internet. We therefore go to the hotel's restaurant. This is, true to its concept, displaying a movie on the wall of the restaurant. It is Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times. Very appropriate in every way.
Today is election day in faraway Denmark. We have voted in advance but still like to follow election night on Danish television streamed over the Internet. We therefore go to the hotel's restaurant. This is, true to its concept, displaying a movie on the wall of the restaurant. It is Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times. Very appropriate in every way.
T does not remember much of the menu as he is watching his smartphone for election results and of course the magic of Charlie Chaplin. The meal was nevertheless great. We had a gazpacho for starters. Then a salad with tuna, next a small prawn ravioli and the next dish was steamed cod and in the end braised pork cheeks. Two small desserts are served in each their glass. One acidly and one rich – fruity and chocolate.
All our meals in San Sebastian have been great and this was also good and even if it was not cheap it was by far the least expensive, but despite that fact great.
T stayed up all night watching the end of election night whereas K quietly dozed off thanks to the sun, water and everything good.
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